SHASHANK SHARMA
      We find many evidences of yoga in the ancient Indian subcontinent. Evidence of yoga is found in both archaeological and literary categories. Just as life air, water and food are very important for our life, similarly yoga is also an important part of our life. With yoga, we can not only make life healthy and beautiful but can also make our life naturally energetic, powerful. Yoga curbs our thousands of thoughts and increases our energy power and also develops mental powers.

  In the excavation of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, the idol has been found in the posture of Padmasana. It is clear from this that even before four thousand years, we had knowledge of yoga and spiritual meditation.
     seal discovered during excavation of the Mohenjodaro archaeological site in the Indus Valley has drawn attention as a possible representation of a "yogi" or "proto-siva" figure.This "Pashupati" (Lord of Animals, Sanskrit paśupati)seal shows a seated figure, possibly ithyphallic, surrounded by animals. There are three faces to this figure 1 each on the side and this could be that of the four headed Brahma with the fourth head hiding behind. One can see clearly the long nose and mouth wide lips on the two sides. Tag: 12: M-304 A
Date 2600–1900 BCE.
       The 2,700 year old skeletal remains of an ancient yogi sitting in samadhi have been found in an Indus valley civilization archaeological site located at Balathal, Rajasthan.
After 600 BCE, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavira Swamy emphasized spiritual knowledge of the senses, and Sahaja Yoga. At the same time, in the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna also explained in detail about Karmayoga, and Adhyatma Yoga.
The essence of the sacred book Gita is based on human well-being and salvation from yoga practice and yoga. Patanjali said in his Yogasutra that "Preventing Chitta's vrittis from becoming fickle (Chittavritti-nirodha) is yoga." That is, do not let the mind wander here and there, the only thing is to keep it stable in one thing.
    Maharshi Patanjali has defined yoga as the 'prevention of mind's instincts'. In the Yogasutra, he has explained in detail a path of yoga with eight limbs for complete well-being and physical, mental and spiritual purification. Ashtanga, one with eight limbs, should not perceive yoga as a path with eight distinct steps; It is an eight-dimensional passage in which the eight dimensions are practiced simultaneously. These are the eight parts of yoga
Some pages from a historic Yogasutra  manuscript (Sanskrit, Devanagari). The verses are highlighted and are embedded inside the bhasya (commentary).
Yama, niyam, asana, pranayama (control of life by certain techniques related to breathing), pratyahara: introvert the senses, dharna (concentration),
Meditation (continuous meditation),
Samadhi (connecting with the soul, a state of supreme consciousness beyond words)
Karmayoga has been elaborated in the Gita. In Indian philosophy, karma is considered the cause of bondage. But in Karmayoga, the form of karma is represented which is not the cause of bondage. Yoga means attainment of equanimity (समत्वं योग उच्यते ). Equality in accomplishment and success, success and failure is called equanimity. Yoga also has another meaning. That is to perform karma efficiently (योग: कर्मसु कौशलम् ). It means to act in such a way that it does not create bondage. Now the question is, which karma creates bond and which do not? According to the Gita, the deeds which go to God in a spiritless way do not create bondage. They help in the attainment of salvation form. In this way, doing deeds for God, devoid of karmafal and attachment, is actually karmayoga and by following it, a person gets abhyudaya and selfless.

      Swami Vivekananda's famous book Karma Yoga is a compilation of lectures given by him from December 1895 to January 1896 in America. According to Swami ji, Karmayoga is actually a unique system of selfless self and liberation by sattrama. Vivekananda says that doing one's duty in the best way for philanthropy without any personal interest is karma yoga. Presenting the ideal of Karma Yoga, he says, "Ideal men are those who experience intense karma even in the midst of absolute peace and quietness, and in the midst of strong karmas, they feel the peace and flushing of the desert." Have known the secret - have conquered themselves. Even when going through the big streets of a big city, their mind remains calm as if they were in a silent cave, and yet their mind is intensely engaged in karma all the time. This is the ideal of Karmayoga, and if you have attained this, then you have actually come to know the secret of Karma. "The principle of Anasakti described in the Gita is considered very important in Karmayoga. Explaining this, Swamiji says," Become detached; Keep working - the centers of the brain keep doing their work - keep working continuously, but don't let even one wave affect your mind. Work like this in the world, as if you are a foreign traveler, have come here for two days. Continue to perform actions, but do not put yourself in bondage; Fastening is terrible. The world is not our habitat; This is one of the steps we're going through. " 
                Explaining the real meaning of Karma Yoga, Swami Vivekananda says, "Now you have seen what the meaning of Karmayoga is. It means helping everyone without any argument even in the face of death. Even if you get cheated millions of times, but Do not take one thing out of your mouth; and do not even think about all the good things you are doing. Do not be proud of the benevolence done for the poor and do not expect gratitude from him; rather, be thankful to him. Thinking that he has given you an opportunity to donate.
   As a result, all kinds of mental and physical problems are removed by yoga.
We start feeling very energetic and powerful. In addition to energy, yoga brings with us love, full peace, non-violence, and full enjoyment. We start having a completely positive attitude. Apparently our intellectual capacity increases greatly.
        Many congratulations to all of you on International Yoga Day
                                  SHASHANK SHARMA


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